• Contact the Control Centre on 10177 or 112 if you are phoning from a cellphone.
  • Do not rely on Whatsapp messages for assistance (Whatsapp messages can be delayed or not delivered)
  • Try to remain calm.
  • Identify the emergency: Such as a motor accident, building fire, heart attack and so on.
  • Give your name and contact details.
  • State the nature of the incident.
  • Indicate the number of people or vehicles involved.
  • Give the physical address and nearest corner or landmark.
  • Remain on the line as long as possible to answer the operator’s questions.
  • Emergency: 10111
  • Fire/Ambulance: 10177
  • Flora Clinic Life Health Care: 011 470 7777
  • Wilgeheuwel Life Health Care: 011 796 6500
  • Roodepoort Police: 011 279 6400
  • Emergency Response Vehicle: 082 907 7899





  • You can call 10111 on your cell phone without airtime.
  • Being followed home is still one of the major sources of crime. If you feel you are being followed drive on.
  • Do not open your doors or gates to anyone you do not know or expect, and ensure your domestic understands this.
  • Don’t leave your gates or doors open to the street.
  • Check your alarm regularly.
  • Lock your sliding gate.
  • Do not travel with anything valuable on your seat, put it in the boot.
  • When arriving home or leaving your property check your street for any suspicious characters or loiterers.
  • Have the police and your security company on speed dial.
  • Note serial numbers of all your expensive items.
  • Beware of suspicious people or vehicles around your house.
  • Lock garden tools and ladders away; burglars use these to break in.
  • Secure all small valuable items as these are the more popular items stolen, they don’t want to be seen walking down the street with a TV under arm.
  • Burglar bars, spikes, palisades. Use these to secure your home. It won’t stop them but they will think twice before attempting a break in.
  • High walls with no visibility from the road are dangerous because once they are over the wall, no one can see them, so spike, electrify, razor wire etc the top of your walls.
  • Do not leave vehicles outside your property; it only takes 45 seconds to steal even the most secure vehicle.
  • Do not leave kids or pets in vehicles which are not being supervised.
  • If you get home and your automatic gate does not want to open, drive off and get assistance, the gate may have been jammed by criminals to facilitate a hijacking.
  • Listen to your dogs and those of the neighbours, check for anything suspicious.
  • When you get up at night to investigate anything suspicious, do not switch the lights inside the house on, only the outside lights. Remember you know the inside of your house better than the intruder.
  • Get the Council to cut any long grass in your area.
  • Report faulty street lights.
  • Keep an eye on empty houses.
  • Do not leave your dustbins out at night; these get used to climb over walls.
  • You have the right to say NO.
  • No one has the right to force you into sexual activity, no matter what your relationship with this person is.
  • This means no-one can force you to have sex, or to touch you in a sexual way without your consent, or force you to perform sexual activities you find unpleasant or humiliating.
  • Be open with your parents, female schoolteacher or your friend if you came across or were made to, or asked to have sexual intercourse with a man without your consent.
  • Never hitch-hike.
  • Do not walk alone at night.
  • Do not accept an offer from anybody.
  • Remember it is not your fault if you are sexually assaulted.
  • Do not allow anyone to touch you in a way that makes you uncomfortable.
  • Be firm and clear and say NO! You have the right to do so.
  • Do not leave a party or social event with someone you do not know or have just met.
  • At social events, do not leave your cold drinks or drinks unattended.
  • Ask friends to help you if you say NO!